Agency Reel


╱ why

We believe that great things happen at the fringe, at the point where seemingly opposite concepts converge to become one. We believe in finding those moments where strategy coexists with creativity; where the differences come together to create something unexpectedly new. An opportunity within duality.

╱ who

We want to leverage knowledge & expertise to nurture curiosity; encourage uniqueness to explore nuances & subtlety; embrace change to fuel inspiration. We want to learn from the past & present to foster future innovation.

╱ how

We want an agency that grows while stimulating the like-minded people that are part of it. We believe in working side by side with our clients, as equals effectively working toward a common goal, building on the strengths of one another to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Risa Sasaki

Risa Sasaki

Exec. Producer

Representative Director & Creative Communication

Brano Beres

Brano Beres

Exec. Lead

Creative Director & Brand Communication

Polina Savenkova

Polina Savenkova

Associate · UX/UI Designer

Advanced Digital & Web Design

Mutsumi Ito

Mutsumi Ito

Associate · Producer

Virtual Event & Infrastructure

Jasmine Koh

Jasmine Koh

Associate · Creative Producer

Product & Operation

Daigo Fujiwara

Daigo Fujiwara

Senior Producer

Virtual Stream & Studio Architecture

Bruno Silva

Bruno Silva

Associate · Creative Developer

Advanced Web Development & Automation

Oomizo Ryouji

Oomizo Ryouji

Senior Producer

Physical Spaces & Design Communication

Yi Fi

Yi Fi

Assistant · Bot

Knowledge Custody & Automation